If you receive this message on your desktops please contact Technology by phone at 803-469-6900 Ext.406
or 132 and by email at kelly.brian@sumterschools.net / arpad.jonas@sumterschools.net.
After you launch the application the first time you will have to register it to your school’s assigned ORG Unit ID
Step 1 – Select Assign Device to ORG Unit button
Step nr.2
Please locate your ORG Unit ID from the attached inline spreadsheet and enter it in the ORG Unit ID box Select ADD
The ORG Unit ID is case sensitive !
School ORG UNIT ID Alice Drive Elementary 7yAfhlFcW Aice Drive Middle mJWOpxFq- Bates Middle School mk99plYqb Mayewood Middle School XkNBCgFcZ Cherryvale Elementary myUHkZY9W Chestnut Oaks 7J2FkbKq- Crosswell Drive Elementary XyxqgbK9b Ebenezer Middle School QJ8Ub-Yq- Furman Middle School QyFd-bFcW High Hills Elementary Q10gzbF5W Hillcrest Middle Schools QJyRGZY9Z Kingsbury Elementary XktIQbY9b Lemira Elementary School myh17bK5b Manchester Elementary School 7kk1NbK5- Millwood Elementary X1397-Fqb Pocalla Elementary mJ2qEbYcZ Rafting Creek Elementary 71Yp4-t5W Wilder Elementary QklFrZYcW Willow Drive Elementary XJAJI-FcW WIDA X1gem0m6G At this time No changes required for Delaine Elementary , R.E. Davis Elementary and Shaw Heights Elementary.
Enter the ORG Unit ID in the box shown below. Select ADD
After you selected add the org unit id will show up below the box to confirm that it was correct and it was accepted.
If you receive a message with invalid ORG Unit Id you typed in the incorrect ID. Please try again.
To complete the registration you must select register.
At this time application will launch .
This ORG ID is case sensitive.
At the login Screen Select Apps
Click on Map Chromebook Testing App
The Test will launch.
Please login to start the test.
All Students should have this icon available under the Students menu -> DRC Insight 2016
If you do not have this DRC Insight 2016 link available reboot your machine once to make sure all updates were applied.
In case this link is still not available to you please report this by email to arpad.jonas@sumterschools.net.
Please include your School’s name and the room number where you are experiencing this issue.