Safety and Cyberbullying

Districts, schools and libraries  are required to be in compliance with the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA).

Sumter School District is responsible for providing the filtering system to protect students while on the network.  Principals and teachers are responsible for confirming CIPA compliance.  Teachers must provide instruction that addresses the safety and  security of all forms of direct electronic communications, unauthorized online access, positive social networking behavior and unauthorized disclosure of personal identification information.  Each principal will submit an Affirmation of CIPA Compliance form to the District confirming that teachers have submitted and carried out a  lesson plan (or plans) that reinforce the required information to meet all criteria for CIPA.


The lesson plans and educational activities are to be completed in accordance with Sumter School District’s Student Acceptable Use Policy and submitted to the school administrator.

The checklist of required information to be included in teacher presented lessons:

  1. Accessing inappropriate material
  2. Safety and security when using electronic mail, chat rooms, or other forms of electronic communication
  3. Appropriate online behavior to include interacting with other individuals, social networking and Cyberbulling
  4. Unlawful online activities to include “hacking”
  5. Unauthorized disclosure, use and dissemination of personal information
Online lessons, videos and activities available to assist teachers with creating effective lesson plans:


Digital Citizenship

Basic Internet Safety

Information Privacy – Social Networking – Internet Search -Plagiarism -Online Safety – Digital Etiqette- Copyright – Email amd IM – Cyberbullying – Blogs – Computer Viruses

Internet Safety Video for kids

Internet Safety in detail